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I read a book called Letters to a Young Mormon.

Here are some favorite quotes,

"Everyone knows that little blush of pleasure that comes when you feel like your life and your story match. And I’m sure you know the pinch of disappointment that follows when you feel like your life hasn’t measured up. These blushes and pinches tend to rule our daily lives. They push and pull and bully us from one plot point to the next.
"Guilt is sin seen from the perspective of your sinfulness. Even if you feel guilty about how you’ve hurt others, that guilt remains problematic because your guilt is about you and about how you didn’t measure up to your story.
"Jesus is not asking you to tell a better story or live your story more successfully, he’s asking you to lose that story. 'Those who find their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it' (Matthew 10:39 nrsv).
"Hell is when your story succeeds, not when it fails. Your suffocating story is the problem, not the solution. Surrender it and find your life. Your story is heavy and hard to bear. (Matthew 11:28–30)"


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