Precious Humans

There used to be two things that got attention in my life:

  1. A's
  2. Boys
I didn't have complete control over either of those things, 
but I measured myself by how I performed in them. 
I was pretty unhappy.

I came back up to school this semester last minute. I remember walking on campus one day in the Taylor Quad and thinking, "This semester, my goals are: (1)make and nourish meaningful friendships, (2)make joy my highest priority, (3)not let anything I don't have be more important than joy."

Those were three things I do have control over. It took a lot of humility and giving up things that I usually cling to tooth and nail, but by the grace of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Ghost in my life, I have experienced a mighty change of heart.

This semester I have been taught by the Spirit of the Lord that people are what is most important. Over and over again, the Spirit has challenged me to reach out in love instead of cling to my precious grades. As I've consecrated my life to him, my homework has all gotten done, and I have been so so happy!

I also determined earlier in the semester that I was going to spend more time doing creative things, and do them first to make sure they got done. I told this out loud to two of my friends. Heavenly Father has made a way for me as I've done it! I practiced the piano and went to ballet class a lot this semester, along with other creative endeavors.

Heavenly Father's highest goal for us is that we have joy.

1 Nephi 11:22-23 "The love of God... is the most desirable above all things... Yea, and the most joyous to the soul."

2 Nephi 2:25 "Men are that they might have joy."

People are so precious!!! Here a lot of them

 Hilton: my life-long adventure-buddy.

Amy Coe, who has somehow mastered the art of winning over your heart at first glance.

Some of the philosophical society. I am going to miss these buddies so much! They're my heart, my wind, my rain and my soul.

Darling class members I've worked with over the years played right into my hands as they pretended to pose for mug shots. I had my camera ready! #likeauntlikeniece

We all love you too, Joshua!

 Lakshita and I found girl study-buddies in computer science! #keepboysandstudyingseparate

We dressed up and rocked a presentation together! 

I had the honor of going to her birthday with this happy bunch of humans.

This was from a week we both got our hearts broken and were commiserating together unhealthily for dayzzz. The story ends well. Soon after this picture was taken, we both worked out and felt better.

Polaroids of some philosophical society members

Katherine Merrill and I in the greenhouse on campus <3

I wish I had pictures with all the precious people I've met and spent time with this semester!

My relief society (church women's group) this semester has been incredible! I feel empowered and loved by them every week.

Steph's on her mission in Pennsylvania now!

I'm not in this one but I love these people and it's great when your friends become friends!

These are all from last semester, but I miss these people!

This is from a year and a half ago. Wow time flies and wow precious, precious times. Abby is married and pregnant now!


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