R.I.P. Linux Lab

The comp sci department is in a new building.

It is new and spacious and all.

But my heart is breaking.

I miss when we were all in one hallway. I miss when everyone was in the lab.

There is a lot of gray.

I go to class in one far corner, the offices are in the opposite corner, the lab is in the 3 dimmensionaly opposite corner from both of those.

And my heart is breaking.

I miss A and J working on the Unity project of mapping the Austin.

I miss the night when, A, E, J and I went for a long drive. That was a really, really good night. 

I miss my friends.

I miss the words, "Linux Lab" rolling off my tongue.

At the same time, I realized that I do not have to define my life in context of another person.

I realized that I am friends with Bro. H and Bro. Fa and that I can talk to them about interesting things as a friend talks to a friend.

I looked in the mirror today and I realized that I turned from a girl into a woman in the Austin.

Except that's not true because I did a lot of changing over this summer in an out of context place called Garmin that was grayer than this new building and where I had fewer friends.

I forgot to get the cardboard penguin out of the Linux Lab.

*Sighsssssssssssssss and feels all over the place*


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